Definition of Shut off

1. Verb. Stem the flow of. "Shut off the gas when you leave for a vacation"

Exact synonyms: Close Off
Generic synonyms: Cease, Discontinue, Give Up, Lay Off, Quit, Stop

2. Verb. Isolate or separate. "She was shut off from the friends"
Exact synonyms: Close Off
Generic synonyms: Divide, Separate
Specialized synonyms: Curtain Off

3. Verb. Block off the passage through. "We shut off the valve"
Exact synonyms: Block Off, Close Off
Generic synonyms: Bar, Barricade, Block, Block Off, Block Up, Blockade, Stop

Definition of Shut off

1. Verb. (transitive intransitive) To stop or turn off by closing something (such as a valve). ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Shut Off

shusse hiro
shut-in personality
shut away
shut down
shut in
shut off
shut one's face
shut one's mouth
shut out
shut the door on
shut up
shut up(p)
shut up shop

Literary usage of Shut off

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Proceedings by Natural Gas Association of America, Modern Language Association of America (1917)
"This wrench to be kept at the meter at all times to shut off the gas in case of emergency. /-Ji*xI* Bond Iron •10*- METER SHUT-OFF WRENCH Wrinkle No. 76. ..."

2. Proceedings of the ... Annual Convention by Traveling Engineers' Association, Canadian School Trustees' Association (1896)
"Mr. Farmer: I want to ask, with such an arrangement what the effect would be if the engines were run for a long distance shut off down hill? ..."

3. Insurance: Principles and Practices by Robert Riegel, Harry James Loman (1921)
"Description of Item Credit To shut-off supply of fuel from storage tank to carburetor: 32. Shut-off valve provided when vacuum feed is used 10 33. ..."

4. Public Papers of George Clinton, First Governor of New York, 1777-1795, 1801 by George Clinton, Hugh Hastings, James Austin Holden, New York (State). Governor (1801-1804 : Clinton), New York (State). State Historian (1901)
"To shut off Communication Between the Disaffected and Their Friends, the Enemy. Albany loth Sept. 1779. Sir, Major John Graham by whom this will be ..."

5. Insurance, Principles and Practices by Robert Riegel, Henry James Loman (1922)
"Shut-off valve provided when vacuum feed is used 10 33. ... Shut-off valve of listed pattern 10 36. With pressure or gravity feed shut-off valve located ..."

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